Salvadorita Mancebo ~ Artist ~

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Vendedora and Son

El Carbonero/Coal

Estrellitas & Clowns

The Dominos Games

Shoeshine Boy

Comprendiendo  que la manifestacion artistica atraves de los tiempos, comunica de manera singular y profunda las caracteristicas que estampan cada momento y etapa de los seres humanos y de los pueblos, durante su paso por el planeta. Esto logicamente encierra los componentes socio-economicos y culturales, ademas del comportamiento humano al momento de expresar amor y creencias religiosas.

Artistic manifestation through time communicates in a unique and profound way, the traits that shape every moment and stage of humans and their cities during their journey through life in this planet. This encompasses their socio-economic and cultural componects, as will as their behavioral patterns when expressing love and religious beliefs. 


The Blood of Jesus

Marchanta and Daugther sellers

Como artista procedente de la Republica Dominicana tengo y siento profundamente la responsabilidad de dejar este legado no sin antes de cada obra que realizo, dar gracias a Dios por depositar en mis manos la habilidad, reconociendo y dandole la gloria por ser El,  el artista por excelencia de todo lo creado      
As an artist from Dominican Republic. I have and feel deeply the responsability to leave this legacy, but not before giving God thanks before making each art works for depositing in my hands this ability, reconizing Him and giving Him glory for being the most excellent artist of all things created
Salvadorita Mancebo